A Programming Problem Solving Phenomena

1 points by BlairCurrey 15 hours ago

> You have a hard problem. You debug it and test it and try many different POCs. Finally, you find the solution and feel a wave of euphoria and sense of accomplishment.

> But really you've only solved it in theory - you still need to implement it.

> Sometimes there is plenty of motivation to implement the solution and have the results. Other times you already feel like its solved, and the implementation is just a chore without carrot.

This is a phenomena that I've really only encountered in programming. Does it have a name? I suppose "dopamine rush" explains it. I wonder if its generally common to using the scientific method. I dont know - my only real experience with that is with programming.

I dont really experience this with other sorts of problem solving in my daily life. Finances, planning a trip, time management, etc. There are all sorts of problems we solve on a daily basis, some of which are intellectually challenging, but they dont produce the same feeling and I wonder why. And while I care about my job, these are business problems I'm solving. Not problems personal to me and where I am the direct beneficiary.

Something about it is fascinating to me. The feeling in the moment you solve it is so addicting. And just seems like a significant threshold. It goes from intellectual stimulation to more mindless "busy work". I often feel ready for a break at this point, and it seems like a natural place to hand off work (AI, etc).