oidar 10 hours ago Is there a sensor like this that is open enough for tinkering at home? The radar sensor could be useful for home automation. shermozle 3 hours ago I have four of these around my house and they're a massive improvement on plain PIR for human presence detection. I use them to turn lights and screens on and off and to notify when someone is at the front door.https://www.athom.tech/blank-1/human-presence-sensor AugurCognito 9 hours ago There are mmWave radar sensors available commercially.
shermozle 3 hours ago I have four of these around my house and they're a massive improvement on plain PIR for human presence detection. I use them to turn lights and screens on and off and to notify when someone is at the front door.https://www.athom.tech/blank-1/human-presence-sensor
How long before these are inside laptops
Is there a sensor like this that is open enough for tinkering at home? The radar sensor could be useful for home automation.
I have four of these around my house and they're a massive improvement on plain PIR for human presence detection. I use them to turn lights and screens on and off and to notify when someone is at the front door.
There are mmWave radar sensors available commercially.