solopov 4 hours ago

I've been exploring web performance lately, especially since my company chooses not to use frameworks in our core functionality. Despite this, we develop quite large single-page applications without relying on any frameworks. This approach has led me to explore the performance characteristics of framework-free development more thoroughly.

This is the first in a series of articles I'm writing about the performance of naive JavaScript development without frameworks, starting with VDOM.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts:

- What are your thoughts on developing large SPAs without frameworks? - How do you envision the future of Virtual DOM in web development?

  • timeon 3 hours ago

    Does this takes in account frameworks like Solid or Svelte?

    • solopov 2 hours ago

      I focused on a framework-free approach and performance. I deliberately excluded frameworks such as Solid and Svelte from the analysis, despite their interesting direct approach to DOM manipulation.