notpushkin 11 hours ago

This is in fact pretty explicitly not open source:

(And given there is no LICENSE file, I’m afraid you can only use this code as reference at best right now)

  • creativenolo 9 hours ago

    It doesn’t look that useful to use as it. But the approach there are investigating is clearly and well documented in plain text. Seems like a valid contribution to public knowledge to be grateful for, even if it can’t be use verbatim.

    • creativenolo 7 hours ago

      Also the text is enjoyably playful “For our GPU poor friends” and “let's proceed to justify our distaste for writing regex”

  • egnehots 10 hours ago

    It might be a mistake since it's different from what's stated in their readme:

    (which is referring to the license of Meta Llama 3.2)

    • notpushkin 10 hours ago

      Oh, I see the links now, thanks! But they reference four different licenses, and those are the licenses just for model weights I think?

      If the intention was to make something that you can only use with Llama models, stating that clearly in a separate code license file would be better IMO. (Of course, this would also mean that the code still isn’t open source.)

  • Kiro 6 hours ago

    Thanks but I will use it anyway.

ttul 17 hours ago

The more I listen to NotebookLM “episodes”, the more I am convinced that Google has trained a two-speaker “podcast discussion” model that directly generates the podcast off the back of an existing multimodal backbone. The two speakers interrupt and speak over each other in an uncannily humanlike manner. I wonder whether they basically fine tuned against a huge library of actual podcasts along with the podcast transcripts and perhaps generated synthetic “input material” from the transcripts to feed in as training samples.

In other words, take an episode of The Daily and have one language model write a hypothetical article that would summarize what the podcast was about. And then pass that article into the two—speaker model, transcribe the output, and see how well that transcript aligns with the article fed in as input.

I am sure I’m missing essential details, but the natural sound of these podcasts cannot possibly be coming from a text transcript.

  • swyx 17 hours ago

    > the more I am convinced that Google has trained a two-speaker “podcast discussion” model that directly generates the podcast off the back of an existing multimodal backbone.

    I have good and bad news for you - they did not! We were the first podcast to interview the audio engineer who led the audio model:

    TLDR they did confirm that the transcript and the audio are generated separately, but yes the TTS model is trained far beyond anything we have in OSS or commercially available

  • rmorey 17 hours ago

    I feel similarly about NotebookLM, but have noticed one odd thing - occasionally Host A will be speaking, and suddenly Host B will complete their sentence. And usually when this happens, it's in a way that doesn't make sense, because Host A was just explaining something to or answering a question of Host B.

    I'm actually not sure what to make of that, but it's interesting to note

    • dleeftink 17 hours ago

      It's speaker diarisation, and depending on the quality of the resulting labelling and speaker end marker tokens, what influences the rhythm of a conversation (Or the input data just has many podcast hosts completing each other's..sandwiches?)

    • albert_e 13 hours ago

      I think this is an important enough quality that betrays that there are no two minds here creating 1+1=3.

      One cheap trick to overcome this uncanny valley may be to actually use two separate LLMs or two separate contexts / channels to generate the conversations and take "turns" to generate the followup responses and even interruptions if warranted.

      Might mimic a human conversation more closely.

      • thomashop 11 hours ago

        Funnily, even two different LLMs, when put in conversation with each other, can end up completing each other's sentence. I guess it has something to do with the sequence prediction training objective.

        • newsbinator 7 hours ago

          And this regularly happens with humans too

    • benmo_atx 6 hours ago

      Those moments always make me think they’re going for a scripted conversation style where the “learner” is picking up the thread too quickly and interjecting their epiphany inline for the benefit of the listener.

    • behnamoh 17 hours ago

      That's the annoying part about NLM. It ruins the illusion of having one person explaining it to the other person.

jrm4 16 hours ago

Great to see this: Fellow tech-geeks, ignore the NotebookLM thing at your peril.

NotebookLM, far and away, has been the "AI Killer App" for the VAST MAJORITY of bright-but-not-particularly-techy people I know. My 70ish parents and my 8 year old kid are both just blown away by this thing and can't stop playing with it.

Edit: As someone pointed out below, I absolutely mean just the "podcast" thing.

  • wodenokoto 13 hours ago

    As someone who doesn’t listen to podcasts what perils will I suffer from not making podcasts in notebookLM?

  • pmontra 10 hours ago

    I can understand why it's cool for a lot of people but it's the opposite of a time saver to me: they are a time loser, if that's a word. It's the same thing of those videos that serve a purpose only because some people (and developers) are not able to read or feel intimidated at walls of text. They are at a competitive disadvantage only partially mitigated by having videos for even the smallest text page.

  • notachatbot123 8 hours ago

    Kaleidoscopes also offer mindless fun, I would rather suggest those.

  • hackernewds 7 hours ago

    you might just know very old non-tech people. but the non-tech people that will generally be the larger tech people of the future are gen z and they're definitely not on notebookLM. they are on AI character chatbots

  • jeffbee 15 hours ago

    Are we talking about NotebookLM generally or specifically the podcast stunt?

    • jrm4 15 hours ago

      Good question: I absolutely mean the podcast stunt.

      • dartos 14 hours ago

        Idk if I’d call it a killer app.

        The podcasts are grating to listen to and usually only contain very surface information I could gain from a paper’s abstract.

        It’s a wildly impressive technical achievement though.

        • hitradostava 11 hours ago

          The point being made is that while this may be grating for you. It is magic for a large part of the population. This combined with chatgpt advanced voice mode shows a direction of travel for AI agents. It makes it possible to imagine a world where everyone has personalized tutors and that world isn't very far away.

          • dartos 4 hours ago

            > It makes it possible to imagine a world where everyone has personalized tutors and that world isn't very far away.

            My issue with AI hype is exactly this. Everything is “imagine if this was just better enough to be useful”

            “Imagine if we had an everything machine”

            “Image everyone having a personal assistant/artist/tutor/programmer”

            “Imagine a world where finance is decentralized and we all truly own our digital stuff”


            I’m not much of a visionary, admittedly, but it’s exhausting being told to imagine products that only half exist now.

            Having worked with LLMs in the autonomous agent space, I think we’re very far away from agents actually doing useful work consistently.

            There are still so many problems to be solved around the nature of statistical models. And they’re hard problems where the solution, at least at the product level, boils down to “wait for a better model to come out”

            I’m just tired of people imagining a future instead of building useful things today


          • hackernewds 7 hours ago

            Ariana already has personalized tutors. Wikipedia, for example is just arriving in different forms. you could argue chatbots are superior in many forms versus a podcast where you can't just scan information

          • giraffe_lady 10 hours ago

            At any given time there are millions of children who will fall for the coin behind the ears trick. It's magic to this large part of the population. That doesn't make it a technique I need to evaluate for my professional practice, because I'm not a clown.

        • factsaresacred 12 hours ago

          It does have a tendacy to meander or spend too time reflecting on a topic instead of distilling the details. However the new ability to add a prompt improves this greatly.

          Some instructions that worked for me:

          - Specifics instead of high level

          - Approach from non-critical perspective

          - Dont be philosophical

          - Use direct quotes often

          - Focus on the details. Provide a lesson, not reflections

          - Provide a 'sparknotes' style thorough understanding of the subject

          • magic_hamster 12 hours ago

            Oh, when was this added? I'll have to check it out.

            • aembleton 8 hours ago

              Added about a week ago

  • globular-toast 9 hours ago

    I don't get it. Are you saying "bright but not particularly techy" people can't read? What would I be missing out on by ignoring this just like I do every other podcast? I've literally never heard of someone learning anything from a podcast except scattered knowledge from another field that will never be useful.

lelag 18 hours ago

Pretty weird choice of TTS engines. None of them are anywhere near state of the art as far as open TTS system goes. XTTSv2 or the new F5-TTS would have been much better choices.

  • imjonse 11 hours ago

    From improvements needed on the page:

    "Speech Model experimentation: The TTS model is the limitation of how natural this will sound. This probably be improved with a better pipeline and with the help of someone more knowledgable-PRs are welcome! :)"

    • hackernewds 7 hours ago

      The "PRs are welcome" posture for a for-profit entity, that actively harms minds and pretending to be open source gives me the heebie-jeebies

  • segmondy 17 hours ago

    You can always update the code to use that. Meta releasing stuff on github is not trying to release the "bet" but to give a proof of concept. The licenses of those TTS system matters, it's not enough to be open. If this was a product for their users, they will definitely have better TTS.

terhechte 10 hours ago

I tried to build something kind of like NotebookLM (personalized news podcasts) over the past months (, but biggest issue is that the existing good TTS Apis are so expensive that a product such as NotebookLM is not really possible for a normal company that doesn't have internal access to Google's models. OpenAI has the cheapest / quality good enough TTS Api, but even then generating hours of audio for free is way too expensive.

Open Source TTS models are slowly catching up, but they still need beefy hardware (e.g.

  • gargablegar 8 hours ago

    When you say beefy? How much beef?

rmorey 17 hours ago

The sample output is very poor. Cool demo, but really just emphasizes how much of a hit product the NotebookLM team has managed to come up with, ostensibly with more or less the same foundation models already available.

zmmmmm 18 hours ago

It only creates the podcasts right?

I am more interested in the other features of NotebookLM. The podcasts are fun but gimmicky.

danpalmer 19 hours ago

I'm not so sure this is an open source NotebookLM as it is a few experiments in an iPython notebook. What NotebookLM does at an LLM level is not particularly novel, it's the packaging as a product in a different way than what others are doing that I think is interesting. Also the "podcast" bit is really just an intro/overview of a large corpus, far more useful is being able to discuss that corpus with the bot and get cited references.

What this does however demonstrate is that prototyping with LLMs is very fast. I'd encourage anyone who hasn't had a play around with APIs to give it a go.

  • behnamoh 17 hours ago

    > What NotebookLM does at an LLM level is not particularly novel, it's the packaging as a product...

    Disagreed. NLM is novel in how the two hosts interrupt and overlap each other. No other OSS solution does that, they just take turns talking.

    • danpalmer 16 hours ago

      Fair point, although to me the "audio overviews" are a minor feature of the product.

    • pmontra 10 hours ago

      But that's a bad habit and we tell people not to do it. So it's a novel but undesirable feature IMHO.

      • hackernewds 7 hours ago

        not necessarily when you're really jiving with someone, the conversation flows really well. notice this is also what makes for really good vs bad television, example pulp fiction

alanzhuly 18 hours ago

If we can have this running locally on mobile phone that would be pretty cool. Imagine receiving a work document (for example, product requirement documents), and then this turning it into a podcast to play for me while I am driving. I think my productivity will be through the roof and I don't need to worry about compliance issues.

  • SubiculumCode 18 hours ago

    I wish chatgpt or Claude would make an an Android Auto app that I can use while driving.

    • hackernewds 7 hours ago

      you could just Bluetooth your speakers

sajid-aipm 14 hours ago

I wonder, how soon they release this in other languages and with different accents epecially Se-Asian accents.

jklein11 18 hours ago

Man.. the sample is pretty rough

mmaunder 18 hours ago

I’d love to hear the output if anyone has used this.

  • herval 18 hours ago

    There’s an example output linked on the github page

gnabgib 19 hours ago

Page title: NotebookLlama: An Open Source version of NotebookLM