thot_experiment 19 hours ago

I'll definitely be checking this out but if anyone has recommendations on a TTS system that generates good output and has well documented voice training tools I'm interested in this field and would like to dive in again. At one point I was using and llama to generate Obama speeches commemorating our DotA games, but the whole thing was very brittle, slow to generate and training voices was also slow and hit or miss.

This was a couple years ago but every time I look it doesn't seem like the field has any equivalent to ollama/ooba or auto1111/comfy, though perhaps this will be it. I'm all ears wrt recommendations! (also interested in neural RVC, would be extremely useful for wreaking havoc on my discord :3)

4b11b4 a day ago

this repo is just another point in the bucket of open source "AI" (and all the tools around it)

is the only answer